Giving Back to JA this Holiday Season | Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City

Giving Back to JA this Holiday Season | Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City

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Giving Back to JA this Holiday Season

December 13, 2022 Torey Berndt 0 Comments

Tis’ the season! It’s a time of rest, play, and giving. We know this time of year, your options are plenty in how you choose to spend your time and dollars this holiday season. We often receive questions from people who want to give back to JA at the end of the year, but are unable to do so with a direct dollar donation.

While we always appreciate donations of funds (click HERE to donate), there are multiple ways to give back to JA – not only during the holidays, but throughout the year. Check out the options below.

  1. Charlie Hustle Communi-TEE: Need a perfect gift for the KC fan in your life? You can never have too many KC heart tees and we partnered with Charlie Hustle earlier this year to design an exclusive communi-TEE featuring elements of JA BizTown, presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union! Through the end of 2022, JA will receive 10% of all shirts purchased. Click HERE to get your communi-TEE!
  2. Amazon Wishlist: Speaking of JA BizTown, we use many items every day in this simulated KC economy. We created an Amazon Wishlist to allow our supporters the opportunity to purchase an item that will help us in JA BizTown! Every item donated and not purchased with JA funds allows us to reach more students in this fun and immersive field trip experience. View the list HERE.
  3. Play4JA: Does your company look for creative team-building experiences that give back? Consider hosting a Play4JA event! We’re now accepting hosts for 2023 Play4JA events. Engage your coworkers, clients and friends by coordinating an event benefitting Junior Achievement. Possibilities are endless, with previous Play4JA events including bowling, kickball, trivia, bingo and more! Email Kelsie Fell, Director of Development, at, to set up your Play4JA event today.
  4. Donation Drives: We know this time of year, companies are looking for fun alternatives to gift exchanges that will give back to the community! Host a donation drive for JA and collect items from our wishlist. Hold onto your items and contact JA to present your items on a day in JA BizTown – PLUS, your employees can volunteer the same day in the space to bring the giving full circle. Check out our wishlist HERE and sign up for your JA BizTown volunteer day HERE.

This holiday season, we know you have many places to give back and JA of Greater Kansas City is honored by those that choose to give back to our students in some way. Together, we make a difference!

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