
Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City Receives Three Top Awards at National Conference | Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City

Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City Receives Three Top Awards at National Conference | Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City

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Three Junior Achievement staff pose after receiving awards at national conference

Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City Receives Three Top Awards at National Conference

July 14, 2022 – Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City was recently honored with three top awards at the National Leadership Conference in Ft. Worth, Texas. The awards honor excellence throughout the entire 100+ area offices of the Junior Achievement national organization. Awards received include the 4-Star Award, the MVP Award and the Rising Star Award.

The 4-Star Award recognizes staff and boards of JA areas that meet Junior Achievement’s national standards in operational efficiency and through strong representation of the JA brand. JA of Greater Kansas City has received multiple Star Awards in past years.

Amy Dauer, Director of Finance and Administration, received the Models Value Professional – MVP – Award. The MVP Award was established to reinforce the importance of living the JA values of passion for the mission, valuing and respecting others, honesty and integrity, adaptability, commitment to excellence and results orientation. “Amy is an exceptional leader who values and nurtures the organization’s culture. From the first day I walked in the door, she made sure I felt welcomed and supported, reinforcing I was exactly where I was supposed to be,” says Kelsie Fell, Director of Development and Stewardship.

Jennie Masuch, Senior Capstone Manager, was the recipient of the JA Rising Star Award, awarded to a JA staff professional who have excelled in their role and considered a “Rising Star” in their organization. Megan Sturges Stanfield, President and CEO of Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City, notes that Jennie encourages and leads by example for the rest of the team. “Her belief in the power of education to create systemic changes is infectious across the team, inspiring her peers to think big, practice grace, innovate, applaud, coach, and create equitable and culturally competent spaces to learn and work.”

Sturges Stanfield was also one of five finalists for the Charles R. Hook Award, which recognizes a JA President who best represents JA-USA professionalism with a minimum of 5 years as a JA President.

Leroy McCarty, Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City Board of Directors President, says that the recognition is just a small piece of what our team exemplifies on a daily basis in Kansas City. “Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City made a conscious decision to emerge from the pandemic ready to help our students meet the challenges of the new world that would emerge. We forged ahead with our new facility and innovative high school programming in an effort to build young entrepreneurs, ready for further education or the workforce, with the financial literacy skills to be successful. The time, effort and selfless dedication of the staff, including our award winners, was truly inspirational. National recognition is the formal acknowledgement of what the Board of Directors sees in our team throughout the year.”

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